[The influence of intravenous laser therapy on the endothelial function and the state of microcirculation in the patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis].
Intro: The objective of the present work was to study effects of low-level laser irradiation on the endothelial function and selected parameters of microcirculation in the patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis.
Background: The objective of the present work was to study effects of low-level laser irradiation on the endothelial function and selected parameters of microcirculation in the patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis.
Abstract: Abstract
The objective of the present work was to study effects of low-level laser irradiation on the endothelial function and selected parameters of microcirculation in the patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis.
This study included 132 patients at the age varying from 18 to 85 years presenting with rheumatoid arthritis. They were divided into 2 groups. The patients of the main group (n = 102) underwent daily intravenous laser blood irradiation during 10 days. The control group was comprised of 30 patients. Laser therapy was performed with the help of a laser therapeutic device Matrix - VLOK ("Matrix", Russia) using alternation of two radiating heads: KI-VLOK-63 (wavelength 0.63 pm, for 15 minutes) and KI-VLOK-365 (wavelength 0.365 microm, for 5 minutes) in the continuous emission regime. The parameters of interest were measured before and after the treatment. The overall duration of intravenous laser irradiation of blood was 10 days without a break for the weekend.
The data obtained suggest the improvement of the endothelial function and the microcirculation indices.
Methods: This study included 132 patients at the age varying from 18 to 85 years presenting with rheumatoid arthritis. They were divided into 2 groups. The patients of the main group (n = 102) underwent daily intravenous laser blood irradiation during 10 days. The control group was comprised of 30 patients. Laser therapy was performed with the help of a laser therapeutic device Matrix - VLOK ("Matrix", Russia) using alternation of two radiating heads: KI-VLOK-63 (wavelength 0.63 pm, for 15 minutes) and KI-VLOK-365 (wavelength 0.365 microm, for 5 minutes) in the continuous emission regime. The parameters of interest were measured before and after the treatment. The overall duration of intravenous laser irradiation of blood was 10 days without a break for the weekend.
Results: The data obtained suggest the improvement of the endothelial function and the microcirculation indices.
A metabolomic study on the effect of intravascular laser blood irradiation on type 2 diabetic patients.
Kazemi Khoo N1, Iravani A, Arjmand M, Vahabi F, Lajevardi M, Akrami SM, Zamani Z. - Lasers Med Sci. 2013 Nov;28(6):1527-32. doi: 10.1007/s10103-012-1247-4. Epub 2013 Jan 29. () 953
Intro: Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) is widely applied in the treatment of different pathologies including diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of ILBI on the metabolites of blood in diabetic type 2 patients using metabolomics. We compared blood samples of nine diabetic type 2 patients, using metabolomics, before and after ILBI with blue light laser. The results showed significant decrease in glucose, glucose 6 phosphate, dehydroascorbic acid, R-3-hydroxybutyric acid, L-histidine, and L-alanine and significant increase in L-arginine level in blood and blood sugar in the patients have reduced significantly (p < 0.05). This study clearly demonstrated a significant positive effect of ILBI on metabolites of blood in diabetic type 2 patients. These findings support the therapeutic potential of ILBI in diabetic patients.
Background: Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) is widely applied in the treatment of different pathologies including diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of ILBI on the metabolites of blood in diabetic type 2 patients using metabolomics. We compared blood samples of nine diabetic type 2 patients, using metabolomics, before and after ILBI with blue light laser. The results showed significant decrease in glucose, glucose 6 phosphate, dehydroascorbic acid, R-3-hydroxybutyric acid, L-histidine, and L-alanine and significant increase in L-arginine level in blood and blood sugar in the patients have reduced significantly (p < 0.05). This study clearly demonstrated a significant positive effect of ILBI on metabolites of blood in diabetic type 2 patients. These findings support the therapeutic potential of ILBI in diabetic patients.
Abstract: Abstract
Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) is widely applied in the treatment of different pathologies including diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of ILBI on the metabolites of blood in diabetic type 2 patients using metabolomics. We compared blood samples of nine diabetic type 2 patients, using metabolomics, before and after ILBI with blue light laser. The results showed significant decrease in glucose, glucose 6 phosphate, dehydroascorbic acid, R-3-hydroxybutyric acid, L-histidine, and L-alanine and significant increase in L-arginine level in blood and blood sugar in the patients have reduced significantly (p < 0.05). This study clearly demonstrated a significant positive effect of ILBI on metabolites of blood in diabetic type 2 patients. These findings support the therapeutic potential of ILBI in diabetic patients.
Intro: The use of intravenous laser blood irradiation and transcutaneous laserotherpy together with mini-invasive and endoscopic surgical procedures permit to avoid infection of pancreatic lesions in 67.7%. Lethality rate by sterile pancreonecrosis decreased from 24.4 to 5.1%. The complex use of laser, antioxidant and antibacterial therapy decreased the lethality rate by the infected pancreonecrosis from 42.8 to 23.1%.
Background: The use of intravenous laser blood irradiation and transcutaneous laserotherpy together with mini-invasive and endoscopic surgical procedures permit to avoid infection of pancreatic lesions in 67.7%. Lethality rate by sterile pancreonecrosis decreased from 24.4 to 5.1%. The complex use of laser, antioxidant and antibacterial therapy decreased the lethality rate by the infected pancreonecrosis from 42.8 to 23.1%.
Abstract: Abstract
The use of intravenous laser blood irradiation and transcutaneous laserotherpy together with mini-invasive and endoscopic surgical procedures permit to avoid infection of pancreatic lesions in 67.7%. Lethality rate by sterile pancreonecrosis decreased from 24.4 to 5.1%. The complex use of laser, antioxidant and antibacterial therapy decreased the lethality rate by the infected pancreonecrosis from 42.8 to 23.1%.
Intro: The aim of this work was to study effect of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) on endothelial dysfunction in 120 patients (mean age 53.4 +/- 1.3 yr) with grade I-II hypertensive disease (HD) allocated to 2 groups. Traditional drug therapy given to patients of control group was supplemented by ILBI using a Mulat laser therapy device in the study group. Endothelial function was evaluated from the total plasma concentration of stable NOx metabolites, nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), and Willebrand's factor. HD patients were found to have elevated activity of the Willebrand factor and show 3 types of response of the NO generating system: (1) decreased NO synthesis, (2) lack of its changes, and (3) increased NO synthesis. NO production in HD patients negatively correlated with systolic (r = -0.59) and diastolic (r = - 0.64) arterial pressure (AP) which suggests the relationship between decreased NO production and elevated AP. Inclusion of ILBl in the therapy of HD resulted in a significant decrease of Willebrand's factor activity and normalization of the NO level regardless of its initial value.
Background: The aim of this work was to study effect of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) on endothelial dysfunction in 120 patients (mean age 53.4 +/- 1.3 yr) with grade I-II hypertensive disease (HD) allocated to 2 groups. Traditional drug therapy given to patients of control group was supplemented by ILBI using a Mulat laser therapy device in the study group. Endothelial function was evaluated from the total plasma concentration of stable NOx metabolites, nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), and Willebrand's factor. HD patients were found to have elevated activity of the Willebrand factor and show 3 types of response of the NO generating system: (1) decreased NO synthesis, (2) lack of its changes, and (3) increased NO synthesis. NO production in HD patients negatively correlated with systolic (r = -0.59) and diastolic (r = - 0.64) arterial pressure (AP) which suggests the relationship between decreased NO production and elevated AP. Inclusion of ILBl in the therapy of HD resulted in a significant decrease of Willebrand's factor activity and normalization of the NO level regardless of its initial value.
Abstract: Abstract
The aim of this work was to study effect of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) on endothelial dysfunction in 120 patients (mean age 53.4 +/- 1.3 yr) with grade I-II hypertensive disease (HD) allocated to 2 groups. Traditional drug therapy given to patients of control group was supplemented by ILBI using a Mulat laser therapy device in the study group. Endothelial function was evaluated from the total plasma concentration of stable NOx metabolites, nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), and Willebrand's factor. HD patients were found to have elevated activity of the Willebrand factor and show 3 types of response of the NO generating system: (1) decreased NO synthesis, (2) lack of its changes, and (3) increased NO synthesis. NO production in HD patients negatively correlated with systolic (r = -0.59) and diastolic (r = - 0.64) arterial pressure (AP) which suggests the relationship between decreased NO production and elevated AP. Inclusion of ILBl in the therapy of HD resulted in a significant decrease of Willebrand's factor activity and normalization of the NO level regardless of its initial value.
Intro: To validate use of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) combined with actovegin administration in indolent gastroduodenal ulcers.
Background: To validate use of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) combined with actovegin administration in indolent gastroduodenal ulcers.
Abstract: Abstract
To validate use of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) combined with actovegin administration in indolent gastroduodenal ulcers.
Modern endoscopic, morphological, device, biochemical techniques and radioimmunoassay were used in examination of 92 patients with indolent gastroduodenal ulcers aged 24 to 69 years. ILBI plus actovegin was given in failure of standard medicinal therapy.
ILBI plus actovegin combination produced marked analgetic, anti-inflammatory and detoxication effects. Favourable trends were observed in the composition of gastric mucus, detoxication, reparative and metabolic processes in the gastroduodenal mucosa, neurohumoral regulation.
Combination of ILBI with actovegin proved highly effective in indolent gastroduodenal ulcers.
Methods: Modern endoscopic, morphological, device, biochemical techniques and radioimmunoassay were used in examination of 92 patients with indolent gastroduodenal ulcers aged 24 to 69 years. ILBI plus actovegin was given in failure of standard medicinal therapy.
Results: ILBI plus actovegin combination produced marked analgetic, anti-inflammatory and detoxication effects. Favourable trends were observed in the composition of gastric mucus, detoxication, reparative and metabolic processes in the gastroduodenal mucosa, neurohumoral regulation.
Conclusions: Combination of ILBI with actovegin proved highly effective in indolent gastroduodenal ulcers.